
2023-06-05 15:29:58[INNOVUS] Use editDuplicate to copy Metal1 followpin routing走来走去116.236.47.26

Use editDuplicate to copy Metal1 followpin routing

This method selects each Metal1 followpin routing and duplicates it on Metal2. Then, it uses editPowerVia to add vias between the two.


## Select the existing followpin routing and duplicate it on Metal2
editSelect -shape FOLLOWPIN
editDuplicate -layer_horizontal Metal2 -layer_vertical Metal2
## Select all the followpin routing (Metal1 and Metal2) and call editPowerVia to add vias between selected objects:
editSelect -shape FOLLOWPIN
editPowerVia -skip_via_on_wire_shape {Ring Blockring Stripe Corewire Blockwire Iowire Padring Fillwire Noshape} -bottom_layer Metal1 -between_selected_wires 1 -add_vias 1 -orthogonal_only 0 -top_layer Metal2


## Select the existing followpin routing and duplicate it on Metal2
deselect_obj -all
select_routes -shapes followpin
edit_duplicate_routes -layer_horizontal Metal2 -layer_vertical Metal2
## Select all the followpin routing (Metal1 and Metal2) and call editPowerVia to add vias between selected objects:
deselect_obj -all
select_routes -shapes followpin
update_power_vias -skip_via_on_wire_shape {Ring Blockring Stripe Corewire Blockwire Iowire Padring Fillwire Noshape} -bottom_layer Metal1 -between_selected_wires 1 -add_vias 1 -orthogonal_only 0 -top_layer Metal2

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