vncconfig -nowin -poll 1000
linux 505 # vncconfig --help
usage: vncconfig [parameters]
vncconfig [parameters] -connect [:]
vncconfig [parameters] -disconnect
vncconfig [parameters] [-set] = ...
vncconfig [parameters] -list
vncconfig [parameters] -get
vncconfig [parameters] -desc
Parameters can be turned on with - or off with -=0
Parameters which take a value can be specified as -
Other valid forms are = -= --=
Parameter names are case-insensitive. The parameters are:
Global Parameters:
poll - How often to poll for clipboard changes in ms (default=0)
SendPrimary - Send the PRIMARY as well as the CLIPBOARD selection
iconic - Start with window iconified (default=0)
nowin - Don't display a window (default=0)
display - The X display (default=)
Log - Specifies which log output should be directed to which
target logger, and the level of output to log. Format is
::[, ...]. (default=)