
2021-06-08 11:45:39POCV参数设置和计算方法走来走去116.236.47.26

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如果X ~ N(μx,σx2)与Y ~ N(μY,σY2)是统计独立的正态随机变量,那么:
它们的和也满足正态分布 U = X + Y ~ N(μx +μY , σx2 +σY2)

它们的差也满足正态分布 U = X - Y ~ N(μx -μY , σx2 +σY2)


pocv时,一条path上的每个cell都服从正态分布,他们的和也服从正态分布,其μ值是各cell μ值的和,其σ值是各σ值的平方和再开方。


The output of report_delay_calculation –derate command with POCV side file:

Cell delay derated = "Cell delay" * ( "POCVM guardband" * "POCVM distance derate" + "Incremental derate" ) 
Cell delay sigma = "Cell delay" * ( "POCVM guardband" * "POCVM coefficient" * "POCVM coef scale factor" )

The output of report_delay_calculation –derate command with POCV LVF:

Cell delay derated = "Cell delay" * ( "POCVM guardband" * "POCVM distance derate" + "Incremental derate" ) 
Cell delay sigma = "POCVM delay sigma" * ( "POCVM guardband" * "POCVM coef scale factor" )

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