
2023-03-06 16:41:42disable RC extraction and timing update to reduce the runtime for ECO routing...走来走去223.167.120.64

How can I disable RC extraction and timing update to reduce the runtime for ECO routing with the route_eco command?


To disable RC extraction and timing update during ECO routing, set the following application options to false:

set_app_options -list {route.global.timing_driven false route.global.crosstalk_driven false}
set_app_options -list {route.track.timing_driven false route.track.crosstalk_driven false}
set_app_option -list {route.detail.timing_driven false}
If any of these application options are true, the IC Compiler II tool performs RC extraction and timing update, which takes quite a while to finish, especially for large designs. At the late ECO stage, you might want to set these application options to false to reduce the runtime for ECO routing.

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