Use editDuplicate to copy Metal1 followpin routing
This method selects each Metal1 followpin routing and duplicates it on Metal2. Then, it uses editPowerVia to add vias between the two.
## Select the existing followpin routing and duplicate it on Metal2
editSelect -shape FOLLOWPIN
editDuplicate -layer_horizontal Metal2 -layer_vertical Metal2
## Select all the followpin routing (Metal1 and Metal2) and call editPowerVia to add vias between selected objects:
editSelect -shape FOLLOWPIN
editPowerVia -skip_via_on_wire_shape {Ring Blockring Stripe Corewire Blockwire Iowire Padring Fillwire Noshape} -bottom_layer Metal1 -between_selected_wires 1 -add_vias 1 -orthogonal_only 0 -top_layer Metal2
## Select the existing followpin routing and duplicate it on Metal2
deselect_obj -all
select_routes -shapes followpin
edit_duplicate_routes -layer_horizontal Metal2 -layer_vertical Metal2
## Select all the followpin routing (Metal1 and Metal2) and call editPowerVia to add vias between selected objects:
deselect_obj -all
select_routes -shapes followpin
update_power_vias -skip_via_on_wire_shape {Ring Blockring Stripe Corewire Blockwire Iowire Padring Fillwire Noshape} -bottom_layer Metal1 -between_selected_wires 1 -add_vias 1 -orthogonal_only 0 -top_layer Metal2 |